Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Ceramic artist Tom Radca "Paints with Fire"

Watch this amazing youtube video of Tom creating one of his signature giant plates, literally painted with a flaming hot torch while the plate is cooking in a kiln. The process is fascinating, the result is awesome.

Survival of the Boulevard Singer, a Premiere

Survival 0f the Boulevard Singer
Written and performed by
Debra James Tucker
September 18, 19, 8pm
Redeemer Lutheran Church
1555 S. James Rd. 

A message from the author...
"I made this work because I want to engage the religious community—the black religious community in particular, in a dialogue about homophobia in the church.

At first, I thought of this work as the story of my best friend, my brother, a black gay man, deeply committed to the church and his journey and struggles in a world that did not fully see or accept him. As I got deeper into the process, I became aware that this is essentially my story, and indeed the story of all of us who search for place and meaning and community in the world.

The form of the piece is a collection of “moment points” similar to those used in tectonic theatre. In conjunction with original music, I deliberately use traditional black church songs and sermon cadences with an eye toward having them heard and understood in a non-traditional way.

It is a story of sorrow. It is also a story of hope, redemption and resurrection."
-Debra James Tucker