Monday, February 13, 2006

Steve Ben Israel performs with Baba and Yaho

On a trip to New York city a few years ago with my friend Stan (who was a past contributor to innerart and is a partner in Monkeys Retreat), he invited me to an all-night diner in the lower East side where I was introduced to a most interesting, eloquent character, who regaled us for hours over refilled coffee cups. Steve Ben Israel, an actor and general comentator on the human condition, had been involved with the legendary Living Theatre and has performed world-wide. He may also be remembered as an occasional guest comentator on NPR radio.
Stan showed me the postcard he received last week. Steve now performs along with his rapper son Baba and friend Yaho and you can catch their act, Continuity, if you are in New York, or plan to visit any time soon.
For more interesting details, check out and

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Yako not Yaho. Also, Steve Ben, Baba & Yako provide great positive energy in this time of high cost & low grade energy. If you get a chance to see them individually or together, do it. --Stan