Sunday, April 30, 2006

Barry Chern holds a moving art sale

Yes, "moving" in so many senses. They laughed, they cried, the nearly wet themselves. And, I gotta move. And, it's a moving target. Unlike past sales, there's no announced date, no particular time, no display. Just a concept, a time-period, an invitation, an opportunity. It's taking place any time between now and near the beginning of June when the Creeping Gentrification once again drives me from my home. At that time all those fine limited-edition hand-printed lithographs (etc) will probably become buried and inaccessible for godnose how long. I had just gotten them dug out around this time last year after 5 years in a formidable heap following that last forced move, which wrecked what was left of my spine and mental state.

I admit it, I haven't produced a damn thing in the realm of visual arts ever since. (nothing that I want to show or sell, anyway.). After nearly 20 years of sacrificing everything for the work, hoping that by the time I was in my 50's I'd maybe have my own press and enough collectors and grants to be able to at least afford to keep working... as soon as I hit 50 it went exactly the opposite way. (I was just recently buying painting supplies and getting ready to finally use the room that was supposed to be my studio when I got my notice that the house was being sold out from under me) So, of course, my old work has not been shown in that time either. But, it has not ceased to exist. It may be forgotten, but it does not forget. Every last one of those millions of sensitive hand motions (and the multiple layers of thought behind them) remains ready to replay itself to the discerning eye.

And, in spite of the fact I have to pay 8 times as much for rent as when I started making prints, the price of art has not gone up at all.

Maybe, I thought, a decade later is not too soon to offer them for sale once more. I am already broke after my latest pen-pal episode with the IRS, new 'deposits' must be made, piano movers must be hired; plus any stuff that someone else takes out of here is a few less ounces I have to take with me. So, take advantage of this increasingly rare opportunity to get some affordable fine original art by an artist who is almost certain to be dead and therefore more interesting one of these days.

E-mail, or call (614) 294-7241 to arrange a visit and viewing. Most early evenings (or late nights) and saturday afternoons will work through most of May. As a bonus, you can get a view of my last major work which never got printed and perhaps never will, still on the stone.

And a list of exhibitions and awards and such in which they participated back when they were viable:

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